St Joseph's, Tara - Term 2 Week 4 2023 Newsletter!
Our Vision & Mission Statements
From the Acting Principal
Welcome to the Week 4 Newsletter!
Parent Portal
Thank you so much to the parents who have registered for our new Parent Portal. We have had some very positive feedback from parents about the ease of using it and being connected to the school. It has also certainly helped from a school position for absentee notifications and gaining parent permission for events. Monica is doing a fabulous job at keeping the calendar up-to-date and attaching flyers with further information for events.
A reminder that it is really important that all families begin the habit of checking the Parent Portal on a daily basis for any new messages.
Sickness and Absenteeism
It certainly has been a crazy few weeks with lots of germs and sickness being shared around and very high absenteeism in both classes. We will continue to remind students about hygiene when blowing noses, coughing and sneezing. We understand how hard it is when sickness takes over the household but it is really important for the school to be aware of students who are absent, and if they are absent due to an illness. Could we please ask that you stay in regular contact with the school when your child is away for extended periods of time so that we are aware of your situation.
Tara & District Cross Country
Thank you and congratulations to the staff and students who attended the Tara and District Cross Country at The Gums this week. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend but I certainly heard positive comments about participation and behaviour. Congratulations to those who received ribbons and we are waiting to hear if any St Joseph's students received age champion or runner up. We will announce these as soon as we are notified.
Mother's Day
Today and tomorrow, the P&F will be holding a Mother's Day stall in the hall from 8am. Students are able to buy gifts for their mums, grandma, aunts, or significant mother-figure. I thank the P&F for supporting the students with this project.
On Friday, we will celebrate all the different types of mothers in our community - be that mother, grandmother, an aunt, a stepmother, foster mother or a great woman in our lives. It is ultimately a time to celebrate our mother figures, who love us unconditionally. All these wonderful people contribute and support our community and for that we need to say a big thank you and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
In last fortnight's newsletter I wrote a section about bullying and friendships. Friendships, making and keeping friends, is always an ongoing process. I have been working with the students about how we need to be kind and caring to our friends and that everyone is our friend in some form or another. We read the book "Brain is Always Right" which tells us that our brain likes lists, broccoli, safety rails and never doing anything that people might laught at. The brain is our thinking and logic. Whereas our heart loves chocolate, butterflies, playgrounds, roller-coasters. The heart is our feelings and emotions. And even though our brain often says one thing about a situation we often have to make our heart take over so that we are kind and caring to those around us instead of just going through the process of our day.
It would be wonderful if you could remind your child about this important message at home so that they are hearing it from all areas of their lives.
Kylie Williams
"Find happiness in making other people happy." Mary MacKillop
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." John 15:12
From the APRE
Mother's Day
Mary, mother of Jesus, is perhaps the greatest mother in history. While her life held great honour in being the mother of Jesus, it was also one of great suffering. In many ways she behaved as mothers today do, when the wine was running out at the wedding in Cana it was Mary who pressed Jesus to do something. As a small boy when Jesus was lost in the temple, it was Mary who became worried and searched for Him and in many instances throughout his life she attempts to protect him. Mary, as His mother, was present at both his birth and earthly death. Through her life we see that motherhood can hold both great joy and great suffering. This makes us think about our own mothers, what memories come to the surface? Are there particular stories that make you laugh, cry or annoyed all over again? What are the greatest lessons that you learnt from your mother and importantly how did she teach them to you? Motherhood is the greatest role and responsibility that women may have. How will you teach your child, show your child, walk with your child through everything you want for them? How will you develop adults that may become parents themselves? These larger questions are addressed through the daily struggle of not only being a mother but a taxi driver, a nurse, a counsellor, a cook, a cleaner, a coach and the list could go on and on.
Learning at St Joeys
Wow! Term 2 is definitely speeding along. I would like to take the chance to thank all the parents and caregivers who have supported me over the course of the year so far. There have been some changes in the classroom over the past few weeks with the combining of the Prep, One and Two classes, but the students have been wonderful in accepting the new classroom dynamic. There are big shoes to fill, and we will be hitting the ground running. They are all working extremely hard to overcome the high levels of illness and maintain a positive outlook towards their learning.
Homework has only been introduced this week for years one and two at this stage and is due back every Thursday. Students are required to complete three spelling activities each week. They will also be provided with a reading pack the books can be read several times and are to be returned in the folder provided.
Our Literacy focus this term has been on developing writing skills, breaking the process down into spelling, punctuation, vocabulary and grammar. Each step in the process is explicitly taught, allowing students to understand what makes good writing happen. For math, we are working on telling time to the hour (Preps), half-hour (Year 1) and quarter-hour (year 2); this is a very difficult concept for little people to comprehend; however, we will be starting next week with the language of time. In religion, we are exploring the words actions and symbols used in the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist to communicate God’s presence and action. Science is all about water, where it comes from the different ways we use it and how we can be more sustainable to ensure that we have good quality clean water in the future.
If you would like to discuss anything, please email me at, and we can organize a time to catch up.
Photo Time
St Joseph's Cross Country!
T&D and SS Cross Country
P & F News
Raffle tickets are due tomorrow for those families still needing to get theirs in. The St Joseph's Mothers Day Liturgy is at 9am tomorrow and the raffle will be drawn directly afterwards. One student from each class will be drawing the tickets to determin 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The student/family who sells the most tickets will recieve a free tuckshop!
Tuckshop has been a bit touch and go this year. We thank Katie-Jayne, Katie and Matt for taking their time and providing tuckshop for the students. We are in discussion about having to change the tuckshop day in hopes to work around outside commitments. When we have a certain day of the week, students and families will be notified of the change. Thank you to those parents whom have put their hand up for volunteering.
Our P&F team are working on some upcoming fundraisers! If you have any ideas, please contact the office and your brilliant ideas will be passed on! We would love to hear them!
From the Parish
St Mary Of The Angels - Tara
Mass Times
Tara: Friday: 9am
Saturday: 6pm
Moonie: Sunday: 9:30am
on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday of the Month
Meandarra: Sunday: 7:30am
on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month
Glenmorgan: Sunday: 9am
on the 4th Sunday of the Month
St Joseph's Awards
Bronze Award
Renee Warwick
Students Of The Week
Week 3 - Renee Warwick, Adrian Vines, Meliaceae Hockley-Black, Deakin Cole, Katie Parsons and Tamarah Leis
Week 4 - Rhys Warwick, Alexia de Boeck, Charlotte Partridge, Frankie Nystrom, Ivy, Andersen.
From the Administration Officers
Term 2 fees, will be distributed in week 3. Statements will be sent home tomorrow, so please check your childs bag.
Please if you do need financial assistance, come in and see myself or Kylie to see how we can help. It is completely confidencial.
We give a big thank you to those who have been making regular payments and to those who have paid in full. We really appreciate it!
Thank you to the parents that have taken their time to download and register for the Parent Portal! We are very excited to have this service in our school, making it easier for you to communicate with the school. Some features to check out are newsfeed, absences, calendar (keep up to date with your childs activity and important dates for Term 2), update family contacts and emergency contacts. Report cards will be distributed through the portal this term, making it easier for Parents to recieve.
2023 Volunteers! If you are wanting to volunteer in the school please come see myself or Sue in the office for Volunteer forms and information. Volunteers can range from Tuckshop, Classroom, Library, Grounds and Coaching.
*Cash / Cheque, at the office.
*Direct Deposit:
Bank: ADF
Name: St Joseph’s School
BSB: 064-786
ACC: 100-025-583
Reference: Your Name.
*Centrelink Centrepay Deduction Payments can be made fortnightly or monthly. The School’s CRN: 555075545A
Not Sure how it’s done? Ask at the office for assistance.
Term Dates
Term 1 2023 – Tue 24 Jan (Public Hol 26 Jan) - Fri 31 Mar
Term 2 2023 –(Student Free Day 17 Apr) Tue 18 Apr - Thur 22 Jun
(Travel Day Fri 23 Jun)
Term 3 2023 – (Student Free Day 10 Jul) Tue 11 Jul - Friday 15 Sep
Term 4 2023 –(Public Hol 2 Oct) Tue 3 Oct - Thur 30 Nov
(Travel Day Fri 1 Dec)
Wellbeing Matters
Dear Mind Create a healthier relationship with your mind. Taking some ‘me time’ is important. And it also helps strengthen your mental wellbeing. Learn how to improve your mental wellbeing with the six mental wellbeing building blocks. Get healthy – Keep learning - Show kindness Connect more – Take notice – Embrace nature This website site developed by the Queensland Government can help you to build a simple wellbeing plan. |
Student Safety
It is a legislative requirement that all non-state schools have at least two nominated staff members to whom a student can report the behaviour of another staff member that the student considers inappropriate. We call these specially trained staff members School Student Protection Contacts, or SSPCs. Each SSPC has been nominated by the principal in recognition of their integrity, approachability and knowledge in the area of student protection. Whilst students are encouraged to speak up to any trusted adult in the school community, it is important that they know they can access these specific staff members at any time should they have worries, queries or concerns. You will have noticed posters throughout the school depicting our current SSPCs. The SSPCs are also published on our school website along with information about our student protection processes. In everything we do at St Joseph's Tara student safety is our highest priority, therefore the SSPCs at our school are key personnel in our overall safeguarding processes. Please see the poster below depicting our current SSPC team.