
Student wellbeing

“The Joey’s Way, every day.”

The ‘St Joey’s way’ is all about student-to-student wellbeing. We have a buddy system where our senior students support and mentor new students. They do this by being available to their buddy and assisting them with learning the daily expectations and routines required of being a 'great' St Joey's Kids.

The school support for student wellbeing is prioritised through the implemtation of the Berry Street Educational Model (BSEM), Qualities of a Life Long Learner (QoLLs), Relationship and Sexual Educational program (RSE).

BSEM - Is an evidence-based framework that equips schools with practical strategies to increase student engagment, suport those with unmet learning needs, improve self-regulation and supports the well-being of students who have experienced trauma. Students experience a daily welcome circle at the beginning of each day, a greeting with their teacher at their classroom door, times to reset emotions and restore choices in behaviour and ways to recognise that they are ready to learn. 

QoLLs - We have five Qualities of a Life Long Learner, Self-Motivation - Persistence - Resilience - Curiosity - Courage. Each quality is explicitly taught to our students so that they can achieve success with each quality to ensure that they are the best version of a St Joey's student that they can be. 

RSE - These lessons form part of the Personal Development and Promoting the Health of Individuals and Communities standards of Health and Physical Education Curriculum and follow the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Toowoomba, Guidelines for Teaching Sexual Health. Lessons are designed by the Education Officers at Toowoomba Catholic Schools to ensure that the approach is appropriate and provides the catholic perspective and ethos.

“Accessibility to the counsellor on a weekly basis helps students deal with problems from their perspective not ours.”
St Joseph's School, Tara parent.