
Student wellbeing

“The St Joey’s way, every day.”

The ‘St Joey’s way’ is all about student-to-student wellbeing. We have a buddy system where older students support and mentor younger students. They do this by being present to their buddy and assisting with reading activities, socialising at school and attending camps and excursions.

The school support for student wellbeing is prioritised through the Health and Physical Education program, Zones of Regulation, the You Can Do It program, Learning Super Powers and access to the school counsellor.

The You Can Do It program builds confidence in students by helping them to build self-belief and social-emotional skills. It is a student-centred program and uses a whole school approach to building resilience, student relationships and wellbeing.

Students are supported in developing the learning Super Powers of  Curiostity, Courage, Persistence, Resilience and Self-motivation for wellbeing and ongoing improvement.

“Accessibility to the counsellor every second Monday helps students deal with problems from their perspective not ours.”
St Joseph's School, Tara parent.